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Save the Cultural Heritage


   Charitable Fund of Ustin Maltsev began program to support the Kherson Regional Art Museum named by A. Shovkunenko. At the moment, an art museum's collection includes more than 13 000 exhibits and is one of the most interesting museums of Ukraine, where the works of domestic and foreign paintings, drawings, sculpture, decorative arts, ranging from the samples of Russian icon painting of the XVII century and contemporary works of Kherson artists. Unfortunately, due to lack of funding, there is a huge problem with the restoration of museum exhibits, which can lead to complete loss of the masterpieces of art.

The first need of restoration are four art works from the museum's collection:

1. Shovkunenko A. Still life
2. Nosko V. Checkers game
3. Unknown Artist. Portrait of a Lady. Beginning of the XIX century
4. Unknown Artist. Portrait of a Man. Beginning of the XIX century

Treatment letter

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

   The museum in conjunction with the Charity Fund of Ustin Maltsev appeals to all people, who care about the fate of Ukrainian cultural heritage , to support the process of restoration and salvation of the masterpieces of art. 

   If you have the desire and ability to help the Kherson Regional Art Museum named by A. Shovkunenko, we suggest you make a donation to the account of the Charity Fund of Ustin Maltsev with purpose of payment "donation for the museum"!


15.10.13 The Canvases Restoration of XIII-XX century
19.08.13 Benefactors saved exhibit nineteenth century
10.07.12 Icons and paintings restoration for Kherson museun
20.03.12 Restoration of the paintings for the museum of Shovkunenko

Preserve cultural heritage for future generations!

This only is charity to do all that we can.

John Donne

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